For you

We help both Brazilians and foreign people to accomplish their tax obligations and also in the wealth management looking for efficient alternatives on the tax and succession point of view.

Consultoria e planejamento tributário e sucessório

Tax Consulting and Succession Planning

We assist tax residents and non-residents in Brazil with income taxation over investments in Brazil and abroad, tax and succession planning, among other subjects.

Suporte a brasileiros com patrimônio ou rendimentos no exterior

Support for Brazilians with asset or income abroad

Our experience allows us to act in the tax planning, complying with the rules and international treaties in order to avoid double taxation. We provide, in partnership with offices abroad, integrated solutions that make sense in all involved countries.

Compliance tributário Declarações

Tax Compliance: Declarations

Besides acting with consulting, we also offer services like elaboration and filing of tax documents like Annual Tax Returns, Declaration of Brazilian Asset Abroad, Communication of Definitive Exit, Certificate of Coverage, among others.

Suporte a brasileiros retornando ao Brasil

Support for Brazilians returning to Brazil after a period living abroad

Guidance since the planning of return to Brazil, in reference of declarations to public administrative agencies and other obligations, until tax management for expatriates who intend to keep tax obligations with other countries after returning to Brazil.

Suporte a brasileiros mudando para o exterior

Support for Brazilians moving abroad

We offer guidance since planning of definitive leave from the country, related to declarations to administrative agencies and other obligations, until the tax management for expatriates who intend to maintain tax obligations with Brazil, living abroad.

Contencioso administrativo fiscal

Tax administrative litigation

Our knowledge in the tax law allows us to offer guidance services and representation of individuals towards tax administrative agencies in diverse situations, like income tax returns pending (“income tax inspection”), CPF (taxpayer number) irregularities, among others.

Compliance tributário cálculos de impostos

Tax Compliance: Tax Calculations

We calculate the tax over income from trading on the stock exchange in Brazil, capital gain, gift and inheritance tax (ITCMD – Imposto de Transmissão Causa Mortis e Doação) due over income in Brazil and abroad, whenever possible offsetting taxes paid abroad, taking advantage of exemption, etc.

Suporte a estrangeiros com vínculos fiscais com o Brasil

Support for foreigners with tax obligations in Brazil

Guidance since the planning of entrance in the Country, in reference of declarations to administrative agencies and other obligations, until the tax management for foreigners who live abroad but own asset and/or income in Brazil.


To know how Dian & Pantaroto can help you, contact us.